The Season of Esther!

Photo by Jarred Subia courtesy of Unsplash

The Lord began speaking to me about entering into the season of Esther in December 2020. But I didn’t feel released to share what He was saying until now. I’m excited to proclaim to God’s children His new season over your lives. Welcome to your season of Esther!

The Season of Esther is a season of displacement, positioning and honor. It is the season where some are removed from positions, and others take their place. Get ready to see people being removed in high positions (even in government and corporate spaces) and being replaced with individuals who seem “unknown” and “low”. I heard the Father say, “I am positioning the righteous in positions of authority, power and influence!”

The Lord has been preparing the Esthers in the desert for years, for such a time as this. The Lord has been equipping them for this moment in time. He has been equipping them for what He has in store for them. Preparing them in the desert and strengthening their hearts to take over positions of influence and power.

Like John the Baptist in Luke 1:80, “So the child grew and became strong in the spirit, and was in the desert till the day of his manifestation to Israel.” I hear the Lord say you have grown, developed and become strong in the spirit, and your time to manifest (be revealed) has come.

The Lord is bringing every Esther from the back to the front line to show forth His glory and power through them. To the Esthers, I know you are shy and content with being at the back, but for the sake of the kingdom, you are coming from the back of the line to the front and the Lord is about to show forth His glory through you and your life.

I hear this, the Lord is positioning Esthers in government. They will receive positions in government and big organizations (corporate spaces) and they will have great influence and impact. Go therefore, be positioned and be established where the Lord is placing you in all confidence, and with the authority and power that comes from the Lord! You might feel inadequate and not enough, but your Heavenly Father who has been equipping you in the desert says, you are ready!! You are enough and you have what it takes. Go forth in the power of His might!

Like Esther, I heard the Father say that, He’s bringing His children out of seasons of pain, lack, frustration, and losses. You are coming out of the long season you’ve been in that you thought would last forever. I heard the Lord say, “They are coming out.” Like a mighty throng, I saw a multitude of God’s children coming out of the cycles of pain, loss and frustration and the Lord is bringing you into a new season of being positioned in your calling and also a season of honor.

Just like Joseph was brought out of prison, was given a position of honor and it was demanded that his entire life be completely changed and shifted, you are about to experience that same level of glory and grace. Esther was taken from her uncle’s humble house and brought to the palace and was crowned queen instead of Vashti (a supposedly more qualified queen).

1 Samuel 2:2-3 states, “There is none holy like the LORD, for there is none besides You, nor is there any rock like our God. Talk no more so very proudly; let no arrogance come from your mouth, for the LORD is the God of knowledge; and by Him actions are weighed.” Verse 8 of the same chapter further states. “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap, to set them among princes and make them inherit the throne of glory. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and He has set the world upon them.”

I heard the Father say that you will experience a level of favor and honor you have never experienced before. You have received so many Nos, but get ready to receive a Yes! I saw you being loved on like never before. I heard the Lord say, it is the season of LOVE! You will be loved on deeply by the people I’m bringing your way in this season. You will be appreciated, seen, acknowledged, preferred, loved and chosen in this season so much so that you will wonder, “Why me?”

It is your season to be recompensed and rewarded for all your years of labor and pain. It’s time to be honored! Like Mordecai, I heard the Father say, all your sacrifices and labor will be acknowledged, appreciated and rewarded in this season. You will be honored for all you have done for others, a sacrifice and labor that went unnoticed for years, will be acknowledged in this season. Your book of remembrance is being opened.

Finally, I heard the Lord say that you will be rewarded for all that you’ve had to go through on top of which He will greatly bless you in this season, simply because you are His child!

The Lord bless you abundantly. You are deeply loved and valued child of God!

Written by
Jesca Makena

Jesca Makena is a minister of the gospel with a grace to write spiritual truths that deliver and bring healing. She flows in the prophetic grace. In her blogs you will find divine wisdom and revelation to help you overcome life's obstacles and live victorious!

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Written by Jesca Makena