A life that pleases you

Photo by Merlene Goulet on Unsplash

I want to live a life that pleases you;
A life that is a sweet-smelling fragrance,
rising up on a chilly July Monday morning.

I want to honour you,
To obey you,
To love you,
To cherish you.

Ever so deeply Lord.

I want to light your heart up with the glow of warm pride,
At who I’m becoming,
At who you’re making me,
At what you see in me.

As you pour your essence into my soul,
I want to look through eyes veiled,
By the truth of your Word,
Into a broken and hurting world,
And shine your light through the windows of my soul…


I want you to be lifted up Jesus.
In my thoughts,
In my words,
In my eyes,
In my heart,
In all of me;

That when you have been lifted up,
men might be drawn to you.

I want to write your name on my heart,
Like you have mine on yours.

You’re beautiful Lord.
Everything we could never have wished for…

Because we didn’t know it could exist.

Written by
Wambui Mwania

I like stories.
I've always loved stories, especially in written form.
And I'm going to express that love in a written form of my own stories;

Stories heavily laced and inextricably intertwined with the Gospel...

The Gospel Stories.

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Written by Wambui Mwania