AMUA by Agnes Makumi

AMUA is a workbook targeting youth and young adults, but applicable to all ages. The manual teaches ten values by discussing case studies using related biblical examples. It emphasizes integrity by personal conviction.

This workbook will:

  • Teach you the importance of personal integrity
  • Highlight 10 important personal values using biblical examples
  • Inspire you to live a life of integrity, as guided by your personal convictions

About The Author:

Agnes spends a lot of time studying the Bible, and runs a counseling company called Uzima Milele.

She is highly motivated to extend her accumulated experience in Bible teaching and training to her counseling practice. She believes that the only sustainable way to develop a life of integrity is to change the way we think, and align our thinking to Biblical teachings.

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Lets Shine! Magazine

Let's Shine Magazine is one of Kenya's leading Christian publications. It is run by members of Kenya Faith Writers Network (KFWN).

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Written by Lets Shine! Magazine