KINGS by Paulie Mugure Mugo

KINGS by Paulie Mugure Mugo

From the time God appointed Saul of Gibeah the first king of Israel, to the time of the nation’s Babylonian captivity, a total of forty-two kings ruled over the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

Fascinating stories arise from this era, a period that spanned close to five hundred years. 
Stories of kings who ruled for over fifty years, and one who occupied the throne for a single week.

This book will:

  • Provide a brief, memorable story about each of the Old Testament kings
  • Stir up your interest in the kings, their lives and legacies
  • Provide a model for identifying good political leaders in our current times 

About The Author:

Paulie is thoroughly intrigued by the individuals portrayed in Scripture, particularly the rulers, prophets and priests of the Old Testament.

She believes that great lessons can be learnt from their lives and legacies – even today - especially in the area of political leadership. Paulie also enjoys reading widely, but rarely works of fiction as, in her view, nothing can be as fascinating as the world we live in. This is her second book.

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Lets Shine! Magazine

Let's Shine Magazine is one of Kenya's leading Christian publications. It is run by members of Kenya Faith Writers Network (KFWN).

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Written by Lets Shine! Magazine