‘Hate’ your Neighbor as you Love yourself!

Neighbors in Nessuit, parts of Olenguruoni and Olposimuru have turned on each other.

Neighbors fight under the claim of ‘Forest Preservation’ and ‘Land  Reclamation’.

Citizens and Government must demonstrate a personal and governance obligation to settlement and preservation of forest land. But selfish intentions should not be used to settle scores.

This must be investigated and judged through the lens of Gods word.

Leviticus 25 lays some ‘Land Management Principles’ that all must seek to adhere.  This will help all ‘Dwell in Unity, Peace and Liberty’ otherwise there will be no ‘Plenty to be found, within our Borders’.

Kenyan citizens and leaders have attracted Gods wrath. The use of underlying political aspirations and selfish motivations to entertain ‘ethnic cleansing’ MUST STOP. The false claims of ‘Environmental Preservation and Reclamation’ must be addressed through the lens of Divine Justice.

The wrath of God is on all when neighbor rises against neighbor. Innocent blood is shed, seeds of discord are planted, years of investment and economic development are lost. There is no winner.


Leviticus 25:14 ‘…if you sell anything to your neighbor or buy from your neighbor’s hand, you shall not oppress one another (NKJV).

Every business transaction we enter into has a seller and buyer. Both must do their due diligence to ensure that the transaction they partake of is fair and credible. This way, no member will feel agrieved or coerced. Justice will have been served to both parties.

John Maxwell’s prophetic call is on the spot ‘We humans tend toward self-centeredness, self-promotion, self-sufficiency, self-reliance and self-righteousness.’

Leviticus Prescription to the Land Crisis (Leviticus 25)

  1. All land belongs to God v/s 1,23
  2. Land preservation must be observed v/s 2
  3. Land should be used for the benefit of all v/s 6
  4. Land transactions must be fair to all involved v/s 14
  5. Land preservation leads to increased yield, and peace for the inhabitants v/s 19
  6. Land should not be used to oppress the underprivileged v/s 25
  7. Strangers in the land must be treated with fairness and allowed to thrive v/s 47
  8. All inhabitants of the land belong to God vs 1-55
Neighbors burnt each others houses to demonstrate their displeasure.
A 70-year old elder shows the writer an arrow wound inflicted by his immediate neighbor. This man was rushed to hospital for urgent pneumonia treatment, after contracting the illness while hiding in the cold forests of Nessuit.
Written by
Rev. Meshack Habib

I serve as director of church establishment, compassion and urban ministries with the Africa Gospel Church. My areas of strength are 1. Expository preaching 2. Mentoring and Coach on healthy relationships and Prema and postmarital consultancy. 3. Mentor and Coach on healthy church worship life. 4. Song writer and composer, piano player. Married to Catherine Habib and Father to Daughters Tehillah 11 and Shekaniah 6. Called to serve the body of Christ. Shalom.

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Written by Rev. Meshack Habib