Have you ever woken up to a day of sickness, a condition that won’t go away, or an illness that sticks to you like a clothing? What about lack and want, or maybe the pandemic has struck close home? Maybe you’re facing rebellion from your...
Sharla Fritz in her book Waiting: A bible study on patience, hope and trust asks this question: If we can’t have what we want when we want it, what are we to do while waiting? God is not pleased with the sense of instant gratification and hurry...
Acts 13:36 For when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his fathers and his body decayed. There was a journey of preparation and training before David could serve God’s purpose in his own...
Many know about the life of Jesus Christ here on earth but few have taken time to study the preparations that took place before His coming. The first coming of our Lord Jesus Christ here on earth was not a last-minute preparation; it was planned...
Moses was born at a time when the king had ordered that every boy should be thrown into the Nile. God however, preserved Moses among other male children that the midwives hid. Although it was quite clear what Moses needed to do, God took him through...
Paul, who was both a Roman citizen and a Jew played a great role in establishing what Jesus Christ had left. He wrote thirteen of the twenty seven books in the New Testament. He founded several churches and mentored Timothy among others who served...
We can never read and obey the word of God if we do not believe that it is inerrant, infallible and divine.
God’s discipline, though painful, is necessary! I realized the other day that on several occasions, I have been unable to picture God as a God of love and a God of discipline at the same time. Could this be because I sometimes take God to be...