Waiting on God

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Sharla Fritz in her book Waiting: A bible study on patience, hope and trust asks this question: If we can’t have what we want when we want it, what are we to do while waiting?

God is not pleased with the sense of instant gratification and hurry. When we say ‘quick’, God seems to say ‘slow’, when we say ‘now’, He seems to say ‘later’. God has not changed in His dealings with men; patience has had a central role in shaping His people. I have heard people say that the blessings of God are not put in a microwave but in a clay pot that takes time to cook. This may like sound like a joke but in a sense, it captures the whole aspect of how God handles and walks with us.

  • Waiting on God isn’t time wastage.

Psalm 40:1 I waited patiently for the Lord, he turned to me and heard my cry.

Waiting on God is not wastage of time, rather it is a redeeming of time. Waiting on the Lord is a fundamental principle in God’s kingdom. Unfortunately, many know about it but still want to find their own ways of getting things, while others are just victims of the society they were brought up. Waiting on God has great benefits which make this discipline attractive.

Let us not be deceived by the progress of those who are not waiting upon the Lord. The spirit of getting things instantly should not distract us. Would we, like David, chose to patiently wait upon the Lord? David received several benefits from waiting; he was lifted out of his despair, he set his feet on a rock (solid ground), God gave him a firm place to stand and lastly, He put a new song of praise in His mouth. (See Psalms 40:1-4).

  • Waiting on God isn’t Easy

Psalms 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Waiting on God is not easy but it is worth it. Often times, the heavens seem silent and the answers to the prayers we make seem to have delayed. Delay is not Denial, and in God’s appointed time, it will come to pass. Most often, we have our set time when we feel things ought to be done, and we lay down plans and set deadlines which is a good thing. But would we alongside that just choose to trust God for His perfect timing?

The psalmist encourages us to be strong and take heart as we wait on God, because frustrations will come. Above all, we should be joyful as we wait on God. Waiting on God should not be sorrowful because we have put our confidence in God. Our peace and comfort are anchored on the fact that His plans and promises concerning our lives will come to pass.

  • Waiting time is learning and testing time.

The culture we find ourselves in most often has little of the learning and testing processes. Most people receive things they have not being prepared for. As a matter of fact, the shorter the time it takes to get a thing, the better. Students who used short-cuts during their school time are causing havoc in companies, institutions, and businesses. Ministers who have not taken time to be mentored and embrace sound biblical teaching have spearheaded falsehood in the church. Youths who get money too fast and seek instant success, have enrolled into malicious groups.

What you are not prepared for in the long-run will hurt you. (TD Jakes)

But that is not the nature of God. Normally, He would never give you something he has not prepared you for. When we are waiting, God is testing our faith and developing patience in us through the Holy Spirit. The waiting process is more important than the destination because it is during the waiting process that we learn from the Lord lessons that will take us through the next seasons in life.

Written by
Ephraim Mathenge

I am passionate about Leadership, Reading, Writing & Teaching God's Word. I have a burden for the youth and the lost. My vision in life is to Serve God's Purpose in my Own Generation. My Mission is to continually devote myself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and teaching its decrees and laws in my generation.

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Written by Ephraim Mathenge