Sharla Fritz in her book Waiting: A bible study on patience, hope and trust asks this question: If we can’t have what we want when we want it, what are we to do while waiting? God is not pleased with the sense of instant gratification and hurry...
Why trust the Lord, anyway? I can see many wheels tuning inside your mind as you read this title. Why? Because we should all ideally trust in God first before we trust in anyone else! Think about this for a moment, though, do you always trust in God...
Clear blue water, sparkling warmly in the pool, a beautiful cottage, delicious meals and wonderful company. That’s what I remember of December, 2009. My hubby and I had travelled to Mombasa, together with our kids and one other couple – good...
GOD ALWAYS COMES THROUGH Sometimes He’s four days late. John 11:21 Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” Other times He answers before we call. Isaiah 65:24 “Before they call I will...
At the beginning of this year, I was distraught. I am one of those people who look forward to the New Year as I see it as a time to evaluate, regroup and make plans. As the New Year approached, I was filled with dread and anxiety.
"There are no coincidences with God. He plans things for our good, goes out of his way to protects us from evil, and works things out for his glory."
I’ve worn contact lenses most of my life. I was fifteen years of age when my world suddenly began to get fuzzy, and eighteen when my doctor diagnosed Keratoconus, a condition that alters the shape of the cornea and causes severe short-sight. So I...