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As I wait, wondering, thinking…. What if? “What if I had everything that I ever needed in the world”?

“What if I never had to work another day in my life”?

“What if I never ever had to worry”?

As I sit and wait on these thoughts, the sound of birds chirping temporarily interrupt my thoughts. The sound of someone walking catches the recess of my ears. The sound of my generator humming away catches the other ear!

I wait, quietly reminiscing about the WHAT IFS! I think “mmmm – what about the NOW!?” The NOW with the rains pounding and interrupting the rhythm of things, interrupting the tight schedules that we operate under, the timing of the school bell, the school bus, meetings, reports, etc. What happens as I wait?

“What would I be waiting for?” I muse! “What would make me wait?” I wonder! Where would I wait for what I needed to wait for? How would I wait, and in what form of expectancy would I be in as I wait?!!

Then as I sit here, holding my pen, reflecting, I think of the waiting of birth. I remember each one of my four births. Each one special. Each one different. Each one so unique. Each wait different! Each birth carrying its memories!

I think, as I wait for the Lord to answer the different intercessions, I will wait in faith. I will wait believing.

As I encourage myself to wait, I think about Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. All she had was faith. An Angel appeared, and WHAM!!! SHE WAS PREGNANT AND ENGAGED!!!! OH MY!!!!

I imagine how the tongues wagged.
“And Mary said what, an angel, hee…heee…she thinks we were born yesterday!!” …
“Imagine, I think I know who the father is”…another whispers.
“Bernard?” , one asks
“Nooo,” replies Miss know-it-all
“Joshua!” another quips in.
” No way!” the ever knowing one in the village replies.
“Its that friend of Joseph, the one they don’t talk anymore,” says the village gossip. ” Aha,” “ooh,” “oh dear,” the voices chorus. “Is that why they are no longer friends?”….and on and on it goes!

As Mary waited, she kept her faith. She knew in her heart what the angel said. She waited for the promise.

I wonder, did she ever doubt? Did she wonder, ‘what if? Did she ponder and wonder about Joseph, and about her parents? All we know is that she waited to behold the King of Kings – The Prince of peace.

So, as I wait. I will wait in faith, I will wait joyfully, I will wait with eager expectation for what the Lord will birth in me – His promises that He has buried within me, the promises of my bright future, the promises of my blessed generation, and the legacy of faith. As I wait, I will wait in love doing what the believers of old did.


Is the wait easy? I know it is not. The Word of God, however, assures us over and over again about Gods faithfulness. Though He tarries, He will surely bring it to pass. All you and I can do is hold onto His promises.

2 Cor 1:20 “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us”.

So let us hold onto faith as we wait for what the Lord has promised. The wagging of tongues will not cause Gods promises to waver – unbelief will. When we doubt, we falter in our faith.

Isaiah 50:7 “Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame”. 

The Lord is faithful. Jeremiah 12:1 assures us…

And the LORD said, “That’s right, and it means that I am watching, and I will certainly carry out all my plans.”

Therefore as we wait even in the midst of turmoil, wind, hail, let us wait in faith. Let us wait with praise and thanksgiving. Let us remind ourselves Who is watching, Who is and has always been faithful, Who never ever changes and whose Word has been proved faultless from ages past to the present.

Let us have faith like this father in Mark 9:23-25

“Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

May His grace be sufficient for us always.  

Written by
Liz Kimondo

I am a mentor, counselor and an author of the soon-to-be-published book 'Dare To Step Out'. I love to work with women both married and single. My passion is to help women learn to cope, or rise above situations or relationships that maybe stuck and are not working. I help them move forward with clarity and confidence.

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Written by Liz Kimondo