Don’t Leave Home Without The Armour of God!

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This entry is part [part not set] of 2 in the series The Armour of God by Alison Kiriinya

We need to put on the full armour of God every day! 

We have all heard dozens of sermons on the full armour of God, haven’t we? My question to you is, do you know what the armour of God consists of, and its purpose in the spiritual battles that may come your way. Today’s post will deal with three key items on the armour of God, namely the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the ‘gospel shoes’. First, take a look at the verse below.

Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (NIV)

Let’s begin!

a) The belt of truth

I have noticed a growing fashion trend, where people wearing belts make sure you see them and admire the buckles. Men, especially, will even tuck in their huge t-shirts strategically so that you can see the huge, shiny buckle on their belts.

That aside – why is a belt so important? Well, a belt holds up clothes that may be falling, enhances waistlines, and adds an elegant finish to an outfit. In the same way, the belt of truth completes the Christian’s armour. Note, however, that the armour of God does not need just any belt – the correct belt is the belt of truth.

Ephesians 6:14a “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist…” (NIV)

The truth of God, his love, his redeeming power, and the power he gives you over the enemy are what hold your armour together. Without this belt of truth, the rest of your armour is just for show! Arm yourself, therefore, with the truths that lie in the word of God, and wrap them around your waist daily, so that you can successfully fend off the lies of the enemy! As a result, you will confidently stand firm against the enemy knowing that you have God’s truth on your side.

b) The breastplate of righteousness

Now – anyone who is entering a major battle needs to have something that protects the chest and more specifically, the heart. Battle strategists often tell their expert shooters to aim for the heart, as a shot to the heart leads to immediate death. Just think about that for a minute – does this mean that the enemy is also aiming for your heart? Yes!

Protect your heart, therefore, with the breastplate of righteousness. Once you accept Christ as savior, he takes away your sins and hands you his righteousness in their place. Now – the war we are fighting as Christians is against unrighteousness, and an enemy who loves it when people fall prey to unrighteous acts. If you are fighting this enemy regularly (as most Christians are), you need to have your heart protected by the breastplate of righteousness, so that you do not fall away in the heat of the battle. With this breastplate on, any shots fired at you cannot reach their mark, as the righteousness in you repels the unrighteousness in them!

Ephesians 6:14b “…with the breastplate of righteousness in place.” (NIV)

c) The ‘gospel shoes’

Ephesians 6:15 “and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” (NIV)

When shopping for a shoe, I always consider what I am going to use it for – regular daily use, walking long distances, jogging, or special occasions. In other words, I believe that a shoe must fit the purpose for which it is purchased.

So, then, which shoes should we wear as Christians? Bear in mind that the daily road a Christian walks on can be slippery, full of sharp objects, have many obstacles, or be completely smooth. Shouldn’t we, therefore, have shoes that give us the confidence to go anywhere without fear?

Let’s get back to the topic of spiritual battles. The gospel of Jesus teaches us that we must be ready at all times to share the faith, defend the faith, and protect the faith. We must also be ambassadors of this great gospel. As such, the chances of coming across a spiritual battle every other day is very likely, because the gospel is not exactly popular in our day and age. Once we put on our ‘gospel shoes’, however, we are equipped to handle any situation that requires the gospel of Jesus to shine through.

Just one more thing  – the ‘gospel shoes’ are to be worn ALL the time – at home, at work, at church, etc. If your feet are not adorned with these shoes, you may find that you are not always ready to do what the gospel of Jesus requires you to do.

Don’t leave home without the armour of God!

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Alison Kiriinya

A little about me – My name is Alison, and I am a wife, mom, daughter, and sister. I love to encourage people and to help them achieve their full potential in Christ. I am a firm believer that everything around us is dependent on one thing – the quality of our relationships.

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Written by Alison Kiriinya