Fire On the Beach

It is a warm midmorning in Netanya, Israel. My family and I are on holiday. We are all relaxing near the pool of the hotel we are staying in.  The children are happy playing and splashing water. My husband tells us that we will be going to Ceasarea later in the day. Some of our relatives were spending a couple of days in a caravan in Ceasarea and we would be joining them. I ask him what we are going to do there at Ceasarea in the evening. He avoids to give me a direct answer.

I am feeling relaxed and a little sleepy. What with the big breakfast we had in the morning and the sun warming my face! I don’t want to move an inch. I lay down on one of the pool chairs and I doze off.

Then I have a dream.

 We are in a certain place. I see a big fire. It is like the sharp rays of the setting sun. I see miles and miles of this fire. I wake up with a start! My husband reminds me that it is about time we went because it was getting late. Now, I am more reluctant to go. I’m afraid . I’m gripped by fear. What is there in Ceasarea?  Will we be in danger? What does the fire in the dream mean? I tell him that we can go another time instead. He insists that we go now.                                                              

So off we go.

We reach Ceasarea just before dark. What a beautiful place. Being in Israel is a revelation! Sometimes I go for days crying because the Holy Spirit is so evident. The beauty. The food. The places where our Lord lived and walked brings much indescribable joy.

We find most of our relatives and friends have already reached. What a crowd. There is also a smattering of children playing. It is quite cold here. And I am not warmly dressed. One of the relatives gives me a beautiful colourful shawl to cover my shoulders. So sweet. I bless her soul. We have parked our cars on top of a hill and we can see the sea and the beach from where we are. And there is something else – the Fire! From one end of the beach to the other end as far as the eye can see there are bonfires. It is a sight to behold! People have come in droves to do BBQ and just hang out with family and friends on the beach.  

Suddenly, I remember my dream earlier about the fire. This was the fire that the Lord showed me. Even though I had scanty details of where we were going, the Lord had already spoken. It was like the Lord was saying: If people will not give you information I will supply it.

Afterward we all go inside our caravan.

Then afterward we all go down to the beach to lit our own bonfire.

But for sure the fire that’s burning inside of me, the fire of the Lord, is much more amazing and beautiful. The fire that cannot be quenched even after the party is over.


Abba Father, I thank you for the gift of prophecy. You supply information even when there is none forthcoming. You speak, even in a dream, in your word. And Your word is true. Amen

Written by
Jane Harel

I am a Minister of the Word of God and a Counselling Psychologist. I write poems and devotionals for the glory of God. I also train on etiquette, protocol, psychology and leadership.

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Written by Jane Harel