Author - Jane Harel

I am a Minister of the Word of God and a Counselling Psychologist. I write poems and devotionals for the glory of God. I also train on etiquette, protocol, psychology and leadership.

There Comes A Time

There comes a time There comes a time of childhood When everything seems easy And there is freedom There is sunshine and roses As you play in the field. As you sit in class Enjoying the rhymes and fairy tales. There comes a time when you become a...

Fire On the Beach

It is a warm midmorning in Netanya, Israel. My family and I are on holiday. We are all relaxing near the pool of the hotel we are staying in.  The children are happy playing and splashing water. My husband tells us that we will be going to Ceasarea...

Embracing the New

Newness is in the horizon Heralding a new day! Away with the old, in with the new A new morning A new beginning A new song A new story A new testimony Indeed the old has gone And the new has come How can new wine fit into old wineskins? It will...

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