May It Remind Us

Image by winterseitler from Pixabay

As the orange pink hue of the setting sun 

Paints itself across the greying sky 

I see the beauty God cannot disguise  

I know a love that cannot lie

A sea of black engulfs the night 

And the stars appear to spread the light 

Twinkle, twinkle, they sing of the Lord’s might 

Twinkle, twinkle, they sing of what is right

And when the sun chases away the moon 

May it chase away all the doom and gloom 

That may come with a nightly tune 

Forcing us into a shadowy cocoon 

As the sun spreads its tendrils about 

To chase away all of the fright and doubt 

May it remind us of the set route 

May it remind us of the Gospel we are to speak aloud 

Written by
Yvonne Patock

I write about spiritual matters, poetry, fashion and beauty, hair growth and management and travel.

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Written by Yvonne Patock